6:30 P.M.
ITEM # 1: Discuss/Act on approval of Consent Agenda:
A. Financial Reports for September, 2021.
B. Minutes of meeting held in September 2021.
C. Claims for the month of September, 2021.
ITEM #2: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to AEP/PSO in the amount of23,379.65.
ITEM #3: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Fuelman in the amount of$11,269.54.
ITEM #4: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Henryetta Economic Development Authority in the amount of$11,486.42.
ITEM #5: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Emergency Medical Services in the amount of$10,267.61.
ITEM #6: DiscusS/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $40,287.00 for 2015 Note Series monthly payment.
ITEM #7: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Doug Wadley, owner of Shoney's Restaurant in the amount of $11,195.29 for 2.5% of taxable sales for quarterly taxes from July 1,2021 through September 30, 202. (To be reimbursed by HEDA)
ITEM #8: Discuss/Act on approval of Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report for the City of Henyetta for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2021.
ITEM #9: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Arledge and Associates, P .C. in the amount of $15,600.00 for professional services rendered for Fiscal Year ended audit June, 30, 2021.
ITEM #10: Discuss/Act on request by Kathy George-Spears Candidate (County Commissioner District 3) to use Nichols Lake City Park on October 30, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the purpose of hosting a fish £ry which will be free to all citizens of County Commissioner District 3.
ITEM #11: Discuss/Act allow John Howk to host a Benefit Concert on behalf of Clayton Moore on November 6, 2021 at the main beach house at Nichols Park in honor of his life.
ITEM #12: Discuss/Act on request to waive rental fees by Mike Doak for use of the Civic Center for The Henryetta Historical Society for a Founder's Day Dinner November 20,2021.
ITEM #13: Discuss/Act to reappoint Aaron Martin to the Board of Atljuslments Board to serve another three (3) year term.
ITEM # 14: Discuss/Act on approval of Software Service Agreement between Tyler Technologies, Inc and the City of Henryetta.
ITEM #15: Discuss/Act on transfer of property located at 409 W Trudgeon from HEDA to the City for the purpose of public parking and for insurance and maintenance purposes.
ITEM # 16: Discuss/Act on approval of a Resolution concerning Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Non-Entitlement Units of Government (ARPA Funds), Authorizing the Acceptance of the Funds, the Appropriate Budget Amendments and the Execution of all necessary Agreements and related documents.
ITEM # 17: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 111 W Trudgeon owned by Lynn Powders.
ITEM # 18: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 115 W Trudgeon owned by Steve Thompson.
ITEM # 19: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 110 E Smith Street owned by Daniel Garcia.
ITEM #20: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 207 E Main owned by Sandra Jean Kennedy.
ITEM #21: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 907 W Moore owned by Rachel Scheirman.
ITEM #22: Discuss/Act on New Business.
ITEM #23: Adjourn.