Henryetta Economic Development Authority



The Henryetta Economic Development Authority (HEDA) was approved by the City of Henryetta on December 11, 1990, and the Trust Indenture was certified by the Oklahoma Secretary of State on December 28, 1990.

Mission & Trustees
The HEDA serves as an economic development arm of the City of Henryetta. It is managed by 6 trustees, each appointed by the City Council for a 5-year term.

All meetings are posted and conducted as required by the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. For more information, on meetings and the board, see our Economic Development Authority Board page.

Authority & Funding
The Trust’s authority for actions is based on the approved Trust Indenture. The Trust is funded via sales tax revenue for the purpose of funding various economic development based actions as approved by the Trustees and the Henryetta City Council.The Henryetta Park Department shall provide high quality and effective recreation services, facilities and parks which benefit area residents and contribute to the economy, the environment, the wellness and the sense of community.

Board Members

Keith Estes Chairman
Term Expires July 1, 2026


Jill Francis Member
Term Expires July 1, 2027


Dr. David Warden Member
Term Expires July 1, 2029


Jim Beymer Member
Term Expires July 1, 2024


Bruce Jones Member
Term Expires July 1, 2025


Jana Cluck Member
Term of Office expires when no longer appointed by city council