ITEM #1: Discuss/Act on approval of Consent Agenda:
Financial Reports for February, 2022.
Minutes of meeting held in February, 2022.
Claims for the month of February, 2022.
ITEM #2: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $40,287.00 for 2015 Note Series monthly payment.
ITEM #3: Discuss/Act on approval of Ordinance No. 1280 An Ordinance Prohibiting Loitering whereas; in an effort to further protect the safety and welfare of the inhabitants of Henryetta, Ordinance No. 1280 shall be added to Part 10 of The Code of the City of Henryetta, Oklahoma; and Declaring An Emergency.
ITEM #4: Discuss/Act on declaring an emergency on Ordinance No. 1280.
ITEM #5: Discuss/Act on approval of Ordinance No. 1281 An Ordinance Amending The Employee Retirement System, Defined Contribution Plan For The Position Of City Manager For The City Of Henryetta Oklahoma By Adopting A Revised And Restated Retirement Plan; providing Retirement Benefits For Eligible Employees Of The City Of Henryetta Oklahoma; Providing For Purpose And Organization; Providing For Definitions; Providing For Eligibility And Participation; Providing For Non-Alienation Of Benefits; Providing For Employer And Employee Contributions; Providing For Accounting Allocation, And Valuation; Providing Benefits; Providing For Required Notice; Providing For Amendments And Termination; Providing For Transfer To And From Other Plans; Creating A Retirement Committee And Providing For Powers, Duties, And Rights Of Retirement Committee; Providing For Payment Of Certain Obligations; Providing For Duration And Payment Of Expenses; Providing For Effective Date; Providing For Vesting Schedules; Providing For A Fund To Finance The System To Be Pooled With Other Incorporated Cities, Towns And Their Agencies And Instrumentalities For Purposes Of Administration, Management, And Investments Part Of The Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund; Providing For Payment Of All Contributions Under The System To The Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund For Management And Investment; Providing For Repealer And Severability; Adopting Those Amendments Mandated By The Internal Revenue Code; And Declaring An Emergency.
ITEM #6: Discuss/Act on declaring an emergency on Ordinance No. 1281.
ITEM #7: Discuss/Act on approval of Resolution No. 1281 A Resolution Authorizing OMAG To Distribute Escrow Account Funds.
ITEM #8: Discuss/Act on approval to allow Josh Craig to use Nichols Park on May 28th, October 1st, November 19th and 20th, 2022 for Disc Golf Tournaments.
ITEM #9: Discuss/Act to allow Highway to Henryetta Event exclusive use of Nichols Park on the following dates:
June 6th and 7th Load in will begin, Park to remain open but work will have commenced.
June 9th and 10th, Entire Park to be closed
June 11th, Festival
June 12th and 13th Entire Park Closed.
ITEM #10: Discuss/Act on approval to allow AT&T to put a permanent structure in Nichols Park for cell service to have fiber onsite.
ITEM #11: Discuss/Act on request by Sandy Warschaw to conduct a parade on Main Street for Donkey Days on October 22nd, 2022 and host events at Nichols Park.
ITEM #12: Discuss/Act on request by Sandy Warschaw to close Nichols Park on October 22nd and 23rd, 2022 for Donkey Days events.
ITEM #13: Discuss/Act to implement an application process for any wrecker service that wishes to be in the city rotation and allow the Police Chief the authority to make the determination or call rotation as he deems necessary for the most cost effective for use of tax dollars.
ITEM #14: Discuss/Act to appoint a Council Member for negotiations to the International Association of Firefighters (Local #2788) for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Bargaining Agreement.
ITEM #15: Discuss/Act to reappoint Jacci Lackey to the Henryetta Library Board to serve another five (5) year term.
ITEM #16: Discuss/Act to award bid for City lots/parks for 2022 mowing season.
ITEM #17: Discuss/Act to award bid for weed lots for 2022 mowing season.
ITEM #18: Discuss/Act on any New Business.
ITEM #19: Adjourn.