Henryetta Parks, Recreation & Tourism Meeting
Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 5:30pm
Henryetta City Hall 115 South 4th Henryetta, Ok 74437
Roll Call
Item #1-
a. Discuss/ Act on Minutes from October 2023 Organizational Meeting
b. Discuss/ Act on Minutes from November 2023 Meeting
Item #2- Discuss/ Act- Steve Sanford NPRC 501C3 remodeling one room in the Caretakers House
Item #3- Discuss/ Act –Steve Sanford NPRC 501C3 adoption of the 3 small bathrooms at Nichols Park and the Caretaker’s house. Discuss purpose.
Item #4- Discuss/ Act -Appointment of Josh Craig to the Henryetta Parks, Recreation & Tourism Board for ________________length of time
Item #5- Discuss/ Act -Josh Craig requesting to reserve dates for Disc Golf in November 2024
Item #6-Discuss/ Act -Nathan Brewer requesting use of Nichols Park on May 4th and 5th for a Motorcycle Memorial Event
Item #7- Discuss/Act -James McCollough regarding Pickle Ball Courts and financing of them.
Item #8- Discus/Act- A strategic plan to be developed for the parks. Knowing how many parks we are responsible for. Where are they located? What are the eventual goals we want to try and achieve.
Item #9- Discuss/ Act- James McCollough regarding Caboose and it’s use, need, want and eventual goal?
Item #10-New Business
Item #11- Adjourn