









ITEM #1:Discuss/Act on approval of Consent Agenda:

  1. Financial Reports for October, 2020.
  2. Minutes of meeting held in October, 2020.
  3. Claims for the month of October, 2020.

ITEM #2:Discuss/Act on approval of payment to AEP/PSO in the amount of $18,717.59.

ITEM #3:Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Fuelman in the amount of $9,638.15.

ITEM #4:Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Emergency Medical Services in the amount of $10,334.26.

ITEM #5:Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Henryetta Economic Development Authority in the amount of $10,102.97.

ITEM #6:Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $40,246.66 for 2015 Note Series monthly payment.

ITEM #7:Discuss/Act on approval of Ordinance No. 1274 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 702 For Purpose Of Rezoning Certain Property Located at 1201 West Moore From R-1 Single Family Residential District to R-3 Manufactured Homes District.

ITEM #8:Discuss/Act on declaring an emergency on Ordinance No. 1274.

ITEM #9:Discuss/Act on approval of Ordinance No. 1275 An Ordinance Of The City of Henryetta, Oklahoma, Adopting And Enacting The (2020) “Henryetta Code Of Ordinances”; Compiled, Revised And Published By The Authority Of The Council For The City Of Henryetta, Oklahoma, Containing The Permanent And General Ordinances Of The City Of Henryetta; Also Repealing All Ordinances Of  Permanent And General Nature Not Included In The Code;  Providing For Additions And Amendments To The Code And Declaring an Emergency.

ITEM #10:Discuss/Act on declaring an emergency on Ordinance No. 1275.

ITEM #11:Discuss/Act on approval of Resolution No. 1272 A Resolution Of The City Of Henryetta, Oklahoma, Notifying The Residents Of Said City Of The Adoption Of  Newly Compiled “Code Of Ordinances” For Said City Of Henryetta, Oklahoma, In compliance With The Laws Of The State Of Oklahoma

ITEM #12:Discuss/Act to reappoint Kaye Ashley to the Board of Adjustments.

ITEM #13:Discuss/Act on transferring the West side property to Henryetta Economic Development Authority for purposes of Economic Development as specified: (A part of the NW ¼ , Section 14, T11N, R12E, I.M., Henryetta, Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, also being the North 12 acres of the tracts described in Book 2249, Page 746 and Book 2031 Page 801, said part being more particularly described as follows:  Commencing at the SW corner of said NW ¼, thence N01° 20’28”W along the west line of said NW ¼, a distance of 527.10 ft. to the point or place of beginning; thence continuing along the west line of said NW ¼, N01° 20’28”W a distance of 791.35 ft,; thence N88° 53’49”E a distance of 660.57 ft; thence S01° 20’13”E a distance of 791.35 ft; thence S88° 53’49”W a distance of 660.52 ft to the point or place of beginning: containing 522,720.0000 sq ft. + and/or 12.0000 acres more or less:  The basis of bearing for this description is N01° 20’28”W along the west line of said NW ¼).

ITEM #14:Discuss/Act on hazard pay of $1,200.00 to all full time employees and $400.00 for part time employees for being public servants and providing the services needed to our city/citizens in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

ITEM #15:Discuss/Act to give Interim City Manager the authority to give one time pay adjustments to hourly and salaried employees.  (Not less than $150.00 but not to exceed $500.00)

ITEM #16:Discuss/Act on City Manager’s/Public Works Director Report.

ITEM #17:Discuss/Act on New Business.

ITEM #18:      Adjourn.