Welcome to Henryetta

A historic community at the crossroads of America

Located along Interstate 40 and the Indian Nation Turnpike, Henryetta is a major crossroads for the United States.

Henryetta is conveniently located near metropolitan cities such as Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Shawnee and McAlester in Oklahoma as well as Fort Smith, Arkansas and Dallas, Texas. Many of the residents call Henryetta home and commute to those cities to work every day.

Residents are served by a municipal water supply that comes from a just-renovated plant and, with three water storage tanks providing nearly 2 million gallons of water storage capacity, has enough room for growth into the next 30 years.

Founded as a town in 1901, Henryetta was already a major gathering place for nearly two decades.

The downtown is lined with historic buildings, some dating back to the years just after the community was founded.

Now Henryetta provides shopping opportunities for those living within the city limits as well as the thousands who live in neighboring communities that make up a nearly 30-mile trade area.


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By registering, you can keep up with your account including usage and payment history.
PLUS, you also receive email notification when your water bill is due.

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Thursday, April 04, 2024
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Reserve the Civic Center

I need to reserve the use of the Henryetta Civic Center
All rental requests must be made through City Clerk’s office. Rent and Deposit to be made in advance. RESERVATON WILL NOT BE COMPLETE UNTIL PAYMENT IS MADE AT CITY HALL. RENTAL RULES: Persons renting Civic Center must leave room as it is found, All tables and chairs must be put up and all dishes and kitchen must be clean. If Rental is for pre-teen or teenage events, chaperones must be present at all times. Person responsible for rental must be sure that building is locked by Police Department. Activities must adhere to time as stated on application. No commercial use is allowed. No alcoholic beverages allowed. All persons attending events will be confined to the area in which the particular program is occurring as designated in rental request. Violation of any of these rules and regulations will cause forfeiture of deposit. Deposits will be refunded at the end of the rental month.